It’s finally here! You can now buy Scrip online with a credit card! For current families, think about it before you let the 2.6% fee scare you away! For example, if your credit card offers points or rebate equal to 1.5%, you are really only paying 1.1 % to use a Visa or MC and that’s easily offset!
Already buying Scrip? Just add something to your regular order or buy higher rebate items and you can easily come out ahead. Do the math!
Not using Scrip because you love credit card points? It’s a no brainer now because you earn tuition $$ on top of your points! Big win!
Note: to pay with a card you must order online not w/ the paper form.
Just buying Scrip to help our school or don’t want to pay the fee? Keep using a check—they are always welcome! All the details about Scrip are on our Order Scrip page.