It’s finally here! You can now buy Scrip online with a credit card! For current families, think about it before you let the 2.6% fee scare you away! For example, if your credit card offers points or rebate equal to 1.5%, you are really only paying 1.1 % to use a Visa or MC and that’s easily offset!
— Already buying Scrip? Just add something to your regular order or buy higher rebate items and you can easily come out ahead. Do the math!
— Not using Scrip because you love credit card points? It’s a no brainer now because you earn tuition $$ on top of your points! Big win!
Another way to offset the fee is to take advantage of bonus rebates at Note: to pay with a card you must order online not w/ the paper form.
Just buying Scrip to help our school or don’t want to pay the fee, keep using a check—they are always welcome!
All the details about Scrip are on our
Order Scrip page.