Our goal this year is for every K-8 student to have a leadership role in our school. Please encourage your child to apply for three jobs he or she would like to have. Job applications went home with students last week and are due on Friday, Sept. 4. A parent needs to sign each child's form.
Every order you place in our mobile app, RaiseRight™, is an opportunity to win a $1,500 gift card package for yourself plus a $1,500 gift card package for your organization. Shop for yourself, order for your relatives, and buy gifts for friends. Click title for details.
Our Scrip coordinator will be placing a Great Lakes order for physical cards on Monday, August 24. If you'd like to place an order you can order from your online account, email or send in an order form and payment with your student Monday. Orders need to be in by 10 AM. Another order will be placed within the next 2 weeks. A copy of the paper order form can be found by clicking 'Order Scrip' under our Quick Links on our homepage.
Parents, please take a minute! Click and check out our volunteer form to see what you can do! Did you know you can help from the comfort and safety of your home or by providing needed items?
August 4 at 5:30 PM. Learn about back to school and ask questions. Mrs. Hackett will share the results of the planning that has been done this summer. Check your email for the link.